Gilead Christian School - Mrs. Lisa Caldwell

Mrs. Lisa Caldwell
Phone: 419-947-5739
"The awareness of God's presence energizes us for our work."
Dr. Charles F. Stanley
Meet our K-6 Student Aide!
Greetings! I am Mrs. Caldwell, aka: Ms. Lisa, by the shorter population. I take up residence in the fourth grade classroom. I enjoy helping children develop determination and a plan for success.
Uniquely, I am a layperson in all things I have done. I am mom to many, naturally making me a teacher and encourager. I do love learning and want to pass this love on to our students.
My husband and I are raising 6 young adults. Two have graduated from GCS and the youngest is not far behind. We have a bulldog names Roscoe. He is a good boy. We belong to 2 kitties name after food, Oreo and Marmalade.
Gilead Christian School is a special place to work because I am surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. It is good to be part of God's family. I am valued by my work family.