Gilead Christian School - Mrs. Jackie Lewis


Mrs. Jackie Lewis
Phone: 419-946-5990

“What can you ever really know of other people's souls — of their temptations, their opportunities, their struggles? One soul in the whole of creation you do know: and it is the only one whose fate is placed in your hands.”

C. S. Lewis  

   Mere Christianity

Meet our School Counselor / Academic & Student Testing Coordinator!

Hello! As the school counselor, I enjoy helping students with career planning, academic advising, and providing personal guidance for the students’ overall well-being. I consider it a blessing that God opened this door at GCS to do what I love in a Christian setting. In my additional role as the curriculum & testing coordinator, the “geeky” side of my personality gets the opportunity to analyze data, evaluate student outcomes and measure academic rigor. Again, blessed! 

I have a  B.S. in Education from The Ohio State University. While teaching, I continued my education to become a school counselor and earned my M.A. in Counseling  from Heidelberg University. 

Outside of work, my husband and I enjoy traveling and have six “perfect” grandchildren that we dearly love and spend time with every chance we get!