Gilead Christian School - Mrs. Lisa Baker

Mrs. Lisa Baker
Phone: 419-947-5739
"We are blessed to be a blessing"
Meet our North Campus Administrative Assistant!
Hello, my name is Lisa Baker. I am the North Campus Administrative Assistant and work in the front office. I absolutely love working with all of the wonderful GCS families, students, and staff. I have been working at GCS for almost 27 years. I can honestly say it is a blessing to be part of the GCS family!
God called me years ago to love His children, young and old; I do believe that is the call on my life. In saying that, I know it’s the love that God has poured into my life and my heart that I can do my job. His joy is my strength. His hope is my hope. His anointing on my life is the reason I’m in the office doing what He has called me to do. My gifts and talents come from God and I use them to bless others and to do my job to the best of my ability.
I have been married 35 years to my husband, David. We have two wonderful children. They both married their high school sweethearts and each have two amazing children. Our grandchildren are two, four, four, and six…so needless to say, our hearts are full! I am thankful to say we did raise our children in church and they attended GCS from the time they were two and five years old. Our children and their spouses all graduated from Gilead Christian School. I believe our family has been blessed because we chose Christian education for our family.
Gilead Christian School has been a wonderful place to work the past 26 years. I have seen God’s miracles so many times. He has proven His faithfulness and provision over and over; not only at GCS, but in my personal life as well. GCS is so much more than a place to work-we truly are a family! We have the privilege to pray for one another and offer encouragement to build one another up. I feel honored to be a part of what God is doing at GCS.