Gilead Christian School - Mrs. Brooke Gillen

Gilead Christian School - Nikki Saunders

Mrs. Brooke Gillen
Phone: 419-947-5739

"The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace."

Exodus 14:14  

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Hey! I am Mrs. Gillen! Welcome to Gilead Christian School and our third grade classroom, where we  are making big changes in our learning. I love being able to work with students to inspire a love of learning and  to discover what great things they can accomplish. Seeing students transform into a confident learner is always inspiring to me. 

As a young girl I always had a desire to be a teacher. In high school, I was able to be part of a program at DACC called, “Teachers Academy.” I enjoyed that year of school so much! It really just solidified the desire to be in a classroom. I would later attend college to make my dream a reality. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University.

I am married to my husband, Michael. We have three awesome children. My husband and I have been on multiple mission trips, including El Salvador, the Philippines, and Costa Rica.  I recently started handwriting the Bible and have finished the books of Genesis, John, and Ecclesiastes.  I realize this will take years to complete, but it has helped me to learn so much more from the Bible.

Gilead Christian School is a special place because I am able to share my love for Jesus Christ with those I am surrounded by, whether they are adults or children.  I am thankful for the Biblical worldview in all that we do.  I am also thankful that my children are able to learn alongside of me, which is a huge blessing.